Painting Autumn with Charlie

by C.Kidder on October 17, 2011

Miles of Marsh ...11x14 oil pastel ...C. Kidder

For the past several years now in early autumn, Charlie Schurcliff who is a wonderful painter and neighbor has invited me to join him at his home to paint and have lunch with a  small group of artist friends.   They travel from as far away as Montreal for the opportunity to paint the  special vistas.  The setting is ideal…the back door opens up to miles of marsh . The view of Hog Island and golden fields threaded with waterways is incredible.

Miles of Marsh

Yesterday was the perfect day for our gathering. Clusters of puffy clouds raced through the very blue sky shedding shadows that highlighted the marsh . I worked with my oil pastels and tried to capture the colors.

Charles Hopkinson Self Portrait

Being with other painters sharing lively conversations at lunch about art and the world was stimulating. It felt reminiscent of the days back in the late 1800’s and early 1920’s when artists would meet at Salons to be with like minds unleashing their creative thoughts.  Charles Schurcliff’s grandfather Charles Hopkinson was an important portrait painter then . Most likely he too arranged  get togethers with his Artist companions at his Boston Salon.  I like to think that his spirit inspires his grandson.  I looked up at lunch to see a Hopkinson portrait hanging on the wall and I was instantly transported back in time…maybe a past life .

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Darleen October 17, 2011 at 10:33 pm

So glad you had a chance to work with artists who sound like they may be soul mates of yours. The marsh is beautiful, the colors at this time of the year bring amazing peace to my soul.

C.Kidder October 18, 2011 at 12:36 am

Thanks Darleen…it was a great day!

heather October 29, 2011 at 12:32 pm

I’m just envious of this kind of day – painting, and the camaraderie of painters. I’d also like to know what you had for lunch!

C.Kidder October 29, 2011 at 2:14 pm

Heather..Lunch is always a potpourri of flavors! One artist brings his famous chili, another who traveled down from Montreal brought some amazing french cream cheese ( wish that I had taken note of the name) smoked salmon and freshly baked bagels. There was plenty wine, apple cider and home made chocolate cookies for dessert….a “moveable feast” for sure!

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