Law Society Brexit Agreement

by admin on January 2, 2023

The Law Society`s Brexit Agreement: What it Means for Lawyers and their Clients

The United Kingdom`s departure from the European Union has stirred up much controversy and uncertainty across multiple industries, including the legal sector. Amidst this uncertainty, the Law Society, the professional body for solicitors in England and Wales, has published a Brexit Agreement outlining recommendations for the government and practical advice for lawyers and their clients.

The Law Society`s Brexit Agreement contains six key recommendations for the UK government, including the importance of maintaining existing EU market access arrangements in the legal sector and the need for an international agreement on the recognition and enforcement of judgments to replace the current regime under the Brussels Regulation. Additionally, the agreement calls for reciprocal arrangements for lawyers and their clients regarding the right to work and practice law in the EU and the UK.

For lawyers and their clients, the Brexit Agreement offers practical advice on how to prepare for Brexit, including reviewing contracts and ongoing litigation for potential Brexit-related issues, and considering alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in case the current legal framework becomes inapplicable. The agreement also highlights the importance of maintaining close relationships with EU colleagues and clients, and keeping up-to-date on developments in EU law and policy.

One significant challenge that the Brexit Agreement addresses is the issue of cross-border data flows. Currently, the UK is part of the EU`s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, once the UK leaves the EU, the GDPR will no longer apply directly to the UK. The Law Society recommends that the UK should seek an adequacy decision from the EU, which would allow for continued free flow of personal data between the UK and the EU.

The Law Society`s Brexit Agreement is a valuable resource for lawyers and their clients during the uncertain times ahead. By outlining practical steps for preparing for Brexit and advocating for the legal sector`s interests, the agreement provides a roadmap for navigating the legal landscape once the UK departs from the EU. As the Brexit negotiations continue, it will be critical for lawyers and clients to stay informed and proactive in safeguarding their legal interests.

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