One Common Agreement between Gandhian and Marxism

by admin on September 5, 2023

Gandhian philosophy and Marxism are two schools of thought that have significantly influenced the political and social landscape of the modern world. Both of them have emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but they differ in their approach to achieving social justice and equality. Despite their differences, however, there is one common agreement between Gandhian philosophy and Marxism.

The Gandhian philosophy espouses non-violence and peaceful resistance as the means of achieving justice and equality. Mahatma Gandhi believed that violence only begets more violence and that a true revolution can only happen if it is peaceful and non-violent. This idea is rooted in the concept of ahimsa, which means non-violence or harmlessness. Gandhi believed that by adopting this principle, individuals could transform society without resorting to violence.

Similarly, Marxism also acknowledges the power of non-violent revolution. Karl Marx believed that violent revolution was necessary to overthrow the ruling class and establish a socialist society. However, he also acknowledged the potential of non-violent tactics in achieving political goals. Marx believed that peaceful demonstrations and protests could be effective in creating social change, especially when combined with other forms of political action.

The common agreement between Gandhian philosophy and Marxism lies in their recognition of the power of non-violent resistance. Both believe that peaceful action can be a potent tool for social change, and that it can pave the way for a more just and equitable society. This shared belief has inspired many social movements around the world, from the Indian independence movement to the civil rights movement in the United States.

Despite their shared belief in the power of non-violence, Gandhian philosophy and Marxism differ in their view of the role of the individual in society. Gandhi believed in the importance of the individual`s conscience and moral responsibility, whereas Marxism emphasized the collective struggle of the working class. The two ideologies also differ in their approach to property rights and the role of the state; Gandhi believed in self-sufficiency and decentralization, whereas Marxism called for the nationalization of industry and centralized control.

In conclusion, the common agreement between Gandhian philosophy and Marxism lies in their recognition of the power of non-violent resistance. Both ideologies have inspired social movements around the world and continue to shape our understanding of social justice and equality. While they differ in many respects, their shared belief in the potential of peaceful action serves as a reminder of the transformative power of social movements.

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