Shoe Business…

by C.Kidder on November 9, 2011

Recently I was asked to decorate a shoe for an upcoming Fashion Show and Silent Auction that will help the Class of 2012 of Ipswich High School raise some funds.   I agreed but wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do to make this shoe stand out at an auction!  It’s pointed toe and spiked heel looked architectural sitting on a table in my Studio.   After staring at it for a few days I decided to just pour out  some paints and see where my brush would take me.   I was sort of surprised when a seascape started to evolve.  The toe became the sky… below it I painted a band of deep blue water .  Then I added a sandy shore which led to violet shadows in the warm dunes with green sea grass.  Very abstract but definitely a beach scene.  I even added some butterflies…

It was a fun and creative exercise …  Very different than painting on canvas!

The event is called “Walk this Way” and will be held on November 14th at the Ipswich Country Club.  Tickets for the Fashion Show, Dinner and Silent Auction are a Donation of $35.00 ea. For more information please contact Laurie Fenton…it’s a “shoe in” for a good time!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Darleen November 9, 2011 at 1:59 pm

So creative! I love the colors and the butterflies are the perfect finishing touch.

C.Kidder November 9, 2011 at 2:23 pm

Thanks Darleen…I had a good time with it!

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